Bona Team Safely Off The Mountain
June 2, 2010
They awoke to clear skies this morning, called in to the IMG office with a weather report and we passed it on to Paul Claus our bush pilot via email. Paul emailed back at 9:42 a.m. Alaska time to let us know the group was safely off the mountain and in flight to Chitina. They’ll drive the 4 hours from Chitina to Anchorage (hopefully stopping enroute for showers) and should arrive in Anchorage late this afternoon.
Congratulations to the Bona team for a job well done!
June 1, 2010
Mark called in this afternoon with a brief update:
The team left High Camp for the summit this morning around 7am. After a few hours of climbing they pulled the plug and turned around as another storm rolled forcing them back to camp in whiteout conditions. Everybody is doing just fine and had a blast throughout the climb. After a well deserved break they’ll pack up and head downhill to the landing strip this evening and wait for their pick-up tomorrow.
We’ll have some more details and photos from the trip in a later post, but that’s it for now.
Good effort guys!
June 1, 2010
Mark Allen called in this morning to report that they were stalled at High Camp overnight, but will give it one more go today keeping in mind they need to be back at BC tomorrow for their rendezvous and flight out.
More to come…
Tye Chapman
May 31, 2010
Don’t forget these guys are working with almost 24 hours of daylight.
More to come…
Tye Chapman
May31, 2010
They left camp at 2am in map and compass visibility but after an hour they got above the marine layer of clouds to find some great views. From there they switched from snowshoes to crampons and continued on until team member Larry took a 20ft crevasse fall. After just a few minutes in the “blue room” the team executed a perfect extraction. With nobody hurt and the weather still on their side they continued up to the shoulder of the summit ridge where they encountered 30-40mph winds and sub-zero temps which turned them just 400ft shy of the summit. The team returned to high camp and will take a rest day today. Weather permitting the team will give it another go early tomorrow morning.
The team is still in excellent spirits and is looking forward to round 2 here soon.
Tye Chapman
May 28, 2010
They’ll take another full rest day tomorrow before their summit attempt. And should weather come in on the team they’re prepared to hang at High Camp for a few days and wait it out.
More to come…
More to come…
May 28, 2010
Everybody is in great spirits after a solid rest day and some cheesy quesadillas!
More to come…
Tye Chapman
Tye Chapman
May 25, 2010
The group made a carry of supplies up to Camp 1 today from Base Camp at the landing site. They have had a couple of minor precipitation storms since arriving, but in general the weather has been good.
Today’s carry was not without adventure, as both of the guides (at different times) dropped into crevasses on the way up. The good practice that the team put in on crevasse rescue the day before paid off. Mark says they have the route well marked now and it will be easier from now on.
The group has awesome views of the surrounding mountains from their vantage point at their new camp.
They’ll head back down to base camp shortly; the current plan is to move up to Camp 1 tomorrow if all are feeling well and conditions are good.
George Dunn
Bona Team Lands At Base Camp
May 24, 2010
The group was flown in yesterday without event, and are now spending a day or two acclimatizing and establishing a good, well protected base camp. Mark says they have switched to a nocturnal schedule and will go to bed at noon today and get up again after an 8 hour rest. It is just too warm currently on the lower glacier to work in full sun.
The group will build good walls around camp in anticipation of future bad weather, do some group training and then hope to do a first carry tomorrow or the next day as they are able. All are in good spirits and feeling healthy.
They’ll check back in after their first carry.
George Dunn
Mt. Bona Trip Getting Started
May 23, 2010
The plan is to depart Anchorage at 6am, do the 4 ½ hour drive to Chitina, and meet the bush pilot at the Chitina airstrip for the flight in to Mt. Bona on the 23rd. If weather prevents this, the alternate plan is to overnight at the airstrip in tents, or fly in to the bush pilot’s lodge, a 45 minute flight up the Chitina River.
George Dunn
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